​5 Steps to Improve Your Financial Health 30 Day Workbook

The term Financial Health is used to describe the state of one’s financial situation.   The term “personal financerefers to how you manage your money and how you plan for your future. All of your financial decisions and activities have an effect on your financial health now and in the future.

Most importantly I would like to provide awareness to the fact that our
Financial Health is usually the central point that impacts other areas of our health such as Emotional Health, Mental Health, Physical Health, Relationship Health and Spiritual Health.

It is also a subject I Love to talk about and feel this topic should be spoken about more openly as many of us need support in the area of finance but remain in silence. 


My childhood had financial struggle and I also experienced my own financial struggles in the past.  It is also common that many of us when growing up were hardly spoken to about finances and this has a direct impact on payday to payday living. 


I certainly wished I had someone who told me these 5 steps!

The benefits over the 30 days actioning these 5 steps will improve your financial health by:

* Identifying your unconscious spending habits
* The ability to identify where you are able to save money
* Creation of a saving plan
* Avoiding unnecessary debt 
* Increasing your knowledge about investing money
* Creating a financial plan for the future
These benefits will not only help you to create new habits, they can be passed down to your family to start the financial legacy to break the cycle of generational financial poverty.  


As I have started my summer holidays I have finally taken the time to read your workbook from page to page.  It is clear, encouraging, directive, and positively thought provoking! 

Judith Dixon, Computer Scientist 

Now Is The Time To Start Your New Financial Habits!

Knowledge is Power but the implementation of knowledge is Powerful!


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